The other day, Anaiya and I were at a store with friends where she pointed to a hat she wanted to try on. My friend put the hat on her head and asked her if she loved it. “I love it!” she exclaimed, in the clearest way I have ever heard her speak. Clearly, this hat needed to come home with us.
Beyond what took place, I was struck by two things: First, I was amazed by the complete clarity and pronunciation with each word of the phrase. As she continued repeating the phrase, we all delighted in her proud speech. What else struck me even deeper was her ability to shift from being asked, “Do you love this?” and hear her respond with “I.” So then I asked myself, “Does Anaiya know how to distinguish these pronouns?” I had no idea she already could. Most of the time I have been using her name when asking her about herself, like: “Does NaiyNaiy like this?”
Anayiana’s awareness of who she is, distinct in the world and differentiated from me and others is now here. Her awareness of her own preferences as a sovereign being is becoming stronger each day. I recognize this to be the stage that Anaiyana is now entering into, one where she can know herself more and more as she grows her independence. Additionally, I noticed something inside me become activated as I felt another stretch of our umbilical cord. My baby is getting to know herself. Her ego-identity is continuing to develop. What a precious thing to witness. The journey of a Being first existing in spirit form, to then gestating from formless into form, and finally solidifying her form as her ego develops, guiding her to know who she is in this human incarnation. It's such an important and precious process.
I, and the beloveds she is surrounded by, continue to reflect to her who she is beyond ego-identification. Anaiyana knows she is Love, and I see her in her essence. However, I continue to support her in developing a healthy ego. Anaiyana knowing herself in this human body-mind is helping her land and develop her own unique signature of form and expression.
Hearing Anaiya declare her “I” both delighted and surprised me. It felt like a huge leap in her development. It was a transition from Anaiya knowing herself as unseparated from the one Love we all are, to being born and experiencing her first feeling of physical separation from my body and now knowing herself as an “I.” Wow! What a journey of the soul.
"The development of her Self, so that Source can know itself even more intimately and uniquely, is what I support in her. In Anaiya’s claiming of herself with her loud and proud “I,” she signals to the one Source of which we all are."
Another layer of differentiation from the oneness has taken place, not in separation though! The development of her Self, so that Source can know itself even more intimately and uniquely, is what I support in her. In Anaiya’s claiming of her Self with her loud and proud “I,” she signals to the one Source of which we all are. She is a distinct and unique expression in this body, here to experience life as a human, in Union with the one Love that we all are.
Sing your “I’s” my darling Anaiya and know that you are an intricate part of this divine unity that we all are. I will serve as your riverbank and cheerleader as you continue discovering who you are in this unique expression.