My baby and I are in a dance. I’m not actually the lead, she is. She offers me a cue, and I respond to what she needs. We move seamlessly together, in sync, in rhythm, in perfect harmony.
I am listening with my whole body, and so I hear her. She leads, I follow, the dance is on.
And like any good partner dance, when the lead offers clear cues, I know exactly how to respond. The communications may be subtle, but oh they are clear. As long as I’m present, my response is right here.
"The communications may be subtle, but oh they are clear. As long as I’m present, my response is right here."
Sometimes I might miss, I feel her stepping right, when it’s actually to the left. And in that moment all that’s needed is a simple re-attunement.
I call this a dance, with her as a lead, to shift the perspective that I’m supposed to know what to do ahead of time. This is not a pre-planned choreography but an improvisation, a moment to moment engagement of two bodies. Of following the arising and meeting her again and again and again. Step by step by step. The perfect unfolding of the now.
Thank you for capturing this moment @melrosecreates Melanie Rose Prince
#motheringthroughpresence #instinctoverintellect #attachmentparenting #secureattachment #attunedparenting #mamababydance #respectfulparenting #motherbridge #motherhoodinspired #responsiveparenting #skintoskin #Rewritingmamahood #mamababybliss #Intuitionoverintellect #naturalunfolding #honoringnaturaltiming #consciousparenting #innateintelligence #motherhoodunplugged #mindfulmama #fleetingmoments #babysfirsts #blissfulmama #unconditionallove #lovegrows