What if your highly sensitive child is shining the light of awareness to the places in you that want to come into resolution?
Parts of you that are bound energy waiting to be presenced and held so that they can unbind and return to your innate state of wellbeing.
These places in you whose needs were so unmet that they developed survival strategies of protection, disassociation, managing, and freezing to maintain “love” and “connection” with your primary caregivers.
As we begin to meet these frozen parts of ourselves, they begin to thaw, and like ice melting, they return back into the larger ocean of unconditional love, and well being that we innately are. These are qualities that our highly sensitive children know to be the truth and are unwilling to yield to any lower vibration than that.
"These are qualities that our highly sensitive children know to be the truth and are unwilling to yield to any lower vibration than that."
Perhaps this is a reframe for you. Instead of seeing the big emotions of your highly sensitive children as a “problem,” what if their particular sensitivities are pointing to the pristine and specific levels of attunement they need from you and their environment?
What if they’ve come in with clear gifts and missions to help co-create this new earth? And they refuse to dim down their bright consciousness because they need your help to complete their missions?
They’ve come from far galaxies carrying light codes of wisdom inclusive of interconnectivity, interdependence, and union, and they're inviting the parents they’ve chosen to join them in their mission.
But in order to do so, we as parents need to face the young ones in ourselves that were so misattuned to and give them what we need. As we do this, and the parts defrost, as their needs are met, our life-force increases and we organically expand into higher frequencies of love. And we then get to truly meet our star seed children in who they truly are.
Big Love and Delight,