Love comes knocking at my door.
Go away!
You’re too light
Too playful
Too easeful
I must face the shadows with a fine tooth comb
I must plunge the depths
And feel I am working hard
To meet myself
Ahh I see, says love
These are the ways you’ve been taught.
I applaud your courage,
To even have the willingness
And desire to uncover.
To peer beneath the dark rocks
And engage with the dirt
The worms
The bugs
The maggots
The muck
But I ask you when you do this
With what eyes are you seeing these places?
With shame?
With judgment?
With the story these are bad
Or wrong
and must go away?
Do you peer at them with eyes of a scientist?
Picking each one apart
Plucking them from their natural habitat,
To closely examine their properties,
Deciding their worth
Inside of a petri dish.
I feel love teasing me with these questions.
Honoring my stories and
My learnt beliefs.
That those places are hard and scary,
That they can’t be shown the light
But can only exist in the shadows
I feel her caressing the edges of my beliefs
Not hammering into them
Or even pushing them to shift
Like moonlight
Shimmering on the rippling waters
She remains a constant presence
And caring
Casting her gaze
Upon my shores
With a constant compassionate light
With a consistent easeful presence
Reflecting her light
Across my waves
Reminding them they are part of the Ocean
Moving with the tides
Flowing like the waters
A steadfast offering
Her shimmering presence here to remind me that
The light merely illuminates
What’s in the dark
It does not try to make it the light
Or make it change it’s form
It just shines pure loving awareness
Allowing us to come into more intimacy with ourselves
With ALL of our parts
As our whole
and most holy