How I stayed resourced and present during Anaiya's first 40 days.

I'm just emerging out of the first 40 days with my precious new baby girl. I’ve valued this time to deeply bond with her, eliminating all outside distractions. We’ve stayed nested at home, other than taking some walks in nature. We’ve barely worn clothes, staying in skin to skin contact the majority of the time. This has allowed for us to fully bond. We have had the gift of loved ones bringing us meals and groceries so that all my energy could pour into supporting this new being in an easeful and peaceful transition to this planet. She has been in physical contact with me this entire time, other than loved ones holding her on occasion.
Staying in this close proximity allows me to keep sinking deeper into my intuition as our body communication increases and I learn her cues for her needs. Mothering so far has been love filled, blissful and deeply intuitive. I’ve felt deeply rested during this time when so many told me I’d be under slept. Why is this?
"Staying in this close proximity allows me to keep sinking deeper into my intuition as our body communication increases and I learn her cues for her needs."
I almost always question limiting beliefs. If someone tells me that’s how something is, the first thing I think to myself is how can I do it differently. I did that all through pregnancy and continue into the early days of motherhood. I’m interested in thriving with my child. So that means staying resourced and connected to the streams that fuel me. So, in the case of sleep, this is how I’ve chosen to approach it thus far... Co-sleeping! She sleeps skin to skin on my chest and belly at night while I lay on my back. When she wakes to feed, I simply move her to a breast and change her cloth diaper from behind. She will often stay feeding and fall back asleep nestled between my arm and breast. In this flow of intermittent sleeping I stay in the liminal space between wake and sleep. I don’t need to get up out of bed and fully wake my self up to nurse and change her diaper. There’s a beautiful flow during this night time feeding and sleeping cycle. Fully surrendering into this rhythm of intermittent sleeping with her, I have felt rested and nourished during this time of newness and discovery.
#cosleeping #skintoskin #motheringthroughpresence #mamahacks #resourcedmama #wellrestednewmama #intuitionoverintellect #lovegrows #motherbridge #motherhoodinspired #responsiveparenting #skintoskin #secureattachment #Rewritingmamahood #mamababybliss #Intuitionoverintellect #naturalunfolding #honoringnaturaltiming #consciousparenting #innateintelligence #motherhoodunplugged #mindfulmama #fleetingmoments #passageoftime #babysfirsts #naturebaby