A poem of infinite love.

Cracked open to the core
I’ve never loved like this before
The feelings coursing through my body
Unconditional love, no denying
Gazing down at you
You notice my smile
It’s just for you.
Your gummy lips
Turn upward
Brightly smiling back,
In recognition
You are here now
You are cared for
You are loved,
The warmth in my heart
Rolls through me like thunder
Tears in my eyes
This epic surrender
I knew you
Long before you came here
And now I get to know you
In this body
In this skin
In the smile radiating from within.
Your eyes are finding focus,
Still seeing other realms,
No distinction between here or there
up or down
before or after
just here.
You are beingingness
in your perfection
In the moment
In the present
Knowing home is here
Close to my heart
The smell of my skin
The sound of my voice
All signaling to you
You are safe
You are held
You are protected
As I rest into my knowing
that I am held here too.
You remind me of the goodness
That never is fleeting
Of the all encompassing love
That keeps a heart beating
And so my precious one
I stare back at you
Seeing life through your newness
Your curiosities and coos
I feel the days tumble Through simplicity and surrender As my heart opens more with Each of your wonders.
#lovegrows #blissfulmama #poetry #mamapoetry #motheringthroughpresence #motherbridge #motherhoodinspired #responsiveparenting #skintoskin #secureattachment #Rewritingmamahood #mamababybliss #Intuitionoverintellect #naturalunfolding #honoringnaturaltiming #consciousparenting #innateintelligence #motherhoodunplugged #mindfulmama #fleetingmoments #passageoftime #babysfirsts