After a fun time at the park, Anaiya knew it was time to leave. She’s really into her scooter lately and had ridden it there. She now wanted to ride it over the grass. I reminded her that on the grass it didn’t ride smoothly and it might feel hard. In that moment, in her world, this was devastating news. She started sobbing. Typically she wants to be held but this time she ran off.
She kept running until she stopped at a tree. She reached out to this tree with her hand and then leaned into and hugged the tree. After a few moments, she moved from the tree and walked in a circle with herself. And she started crying again. I watched as she hugged the tree again. This time when she let the tree go, she calmly walked back over to me and simply asked me to carry her scooter for her across the grass.
Witnessing her engage with her own intelligence and give herself what she needed through connection with the tree, warms my heart. When our systems are honored and not forced to self soothe before we’re ready, then a natural development of our own innate capacity to regulate our nervous system develops. Her experiences and needs have been honored and now I’m delighting in the ways she’s doing it on her own.
"When our systems are honored and not forced to self soothe before we’re ready, then a natural development of our own innate capacity to regulate our nervous system develops."
Yes, my darling, lean into that nourishment from nature. Feel held and supported and know that I’m here when you need me too.
Big Love and Delight,
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