A mother’s love is like no other
No one could even begin to explain
Until crossing the threshold of birthing my child into the world.
The love for a partner, a sibling, a parent, a friend
Falls short of this endless love
Pouring out of the mother’s heart
For this precious being who chose me
A mother’s love is like no other
A celestial star being
traveling the cosmos to come to Earth
Discovering this new body
Offering you support and nurturance
As your senses awaken
And your coordination develops
A mother’s love is like no other
The innate wisdom activating through gestation, birth and becoming
Kicking in full force once my child is here in my arms
Things I didn’t know before but now instinctively do
Riding on the wings of all the mama’s who’ve come before me
Feeling this web of intuitive intelligence here for me now
It’s always been here, but now I have access to this wisdom too
A mother’s love is like no other
Drifting in and out of sleep
Moving through the night together,
Entraining to your rhythms of feeding, resting, and bodily needs
Discovering how your body and voice express themselves
What they are so distinctly communicating to me
A mother’s love is like no other
Feeling the range of this experience
Not wanting to miss a moment of your growth and discoveries
Realizing the bliss arises through feeling it all
My mind has softened as I move with you through instinct and intuition
Reveling in your innocence and beingness
Present to it all
A mother’s love is like no other
Feeling you tire as I rock you in my arms
I delight in watching you rest
Hearing your gentle snores and heavy breathing
Amused and delighted by your facial expressions
As you dream into other worlds
The satisfaction that you know how safe you are nestled against my skin
Relaxing into my body, you are home
A mother’s love is like no other
As you begin to stir and awaken
Your cries bring forth my mother’s milk
Your intelligence finds its way to food
As you undulate up my belly
Your mouth searching and sucking toward my nipples
As you latch on and voraciously drink
Grunting and snorting in your full creature expression
I am at peace knowing you are nourished by my body
A mother’s love is like no other
I am not sleepless, but entrained to your needs and cycles
Sleeping with you, waking with you, laughing and smiling with you
I ceaselessly stare at you while you sleep
Enamored by your peaceful state
A mother’s love is like no other
As we bathe together,
floating and submerging into this new sensation
Reminiscent of the womb, but now you’re breathing air,
I see you discovering the water
Just like so many firsts I will witness you in
A mother’s love is like no other
Feeling you snug against my skin
Feeling you respond to my voice
Feeling you sensing me in the room
Comforted by my song, my words, my touch, my presence
You know you are protected and attuned to
All your needs responded to
A mothers love is like no other
Witnessing you come into more embodiment
Your eyes locking in with mine
In recognition of our bond
Your giggles as you delight
In experiencing new body sensations
All the many faces you make
And a smile that lights up my heart
And everyone else you share it with
A mother’s love is like no other
I am here for you always
Here to serve and guide
Protect and nurture
To teach and be taught
And ultimately to love you like no other
So you may always know you are loved
And you are love
A mother’s love is like no other
How could I have known until
This sweet bundle birthed out of me
And snuggled against my skin
Resting peacefully in my care
And in knowing this
I now know how much my mom loves me
Like no other
Thank you to all the mamas for all the love and devotion past, present and future
Thank you once again Melanie Rose Prince for capturing this precious moment between us.