Anaiya fell asleep on my belly and chest last night. I drifted into sleep with her as I felt her system drop into deep rest. This was how we fell asleep together the first two months of her being here. Our bodies in deep bonding skin to skin. We still co-sleep but now she starts off the night next to me. By the time morning rolls around, after multiple feeds, she’s on my body once again as we snuggle into wake time when she opens her eyes and smiles brightly up at me, in recognition of her mama. It’s the best.
When she falls asleep at night, usually nursing as I gently bounce with her on the rebounder (the best new mama apparatus!), I then put her down and use those night hours to cook a late dinner, cruise on my phone, write, put clean sheets on the bed, etc. It’s a couple hours of precious solo time. I’ve become such a night owl again!
"I get to witness the various stages of development that she will continuously move through; present with her now and holding sweet moments from the past in my heart."
It was so sweet last night to fall asleep together again. And I can’t believe I’ve already hit a point in her development that I look back on how things were. I get to witness the various stages of development that she will continuously move through; present with her now and holding sweet moments from the past in my heart.